You want the ultimate form of pain. Normal CBT is not enough for you any longer. You have taken at full force kicks from me. Not just kick, kicks with my heels on and steel toe. I have crushed your balls under my stilettos. Not the ball of the heel but the heel of the heel. You laugh at this pain. I have dropped five and ten lb. weights from different heights. This was not enough for you.
You have asked for me to find the best pain that I can come up with. This is a challenge you have given me and I will most gladly accept this. I have found someone to help us today with a little Colobosis. Colobosis is the pleasure one gets from cock mutilation. It is the next step up from CBT that you have already reached the end of.
ultimate form of pain watch your teeth
My friend, she is really into causing cock pain. To the extreme. I would do this myself if she were not my friend and is looking forward to this. She is going to get your cock just as hard as can be. You are going to experience some CBT by me and then she will take over from there.
She is going to use her teeth on you. No so will not be sucking your cock. This would not go along with what we are doing here. You gave me a challenge. She is going to take a bite. She is going to take her teeth and take a chunk from your very cock. Permanent mutilation of your cock.
You wanted the extreme side of cock pain. I personally can think of nothing a man would find more painful. Perhaps a lit match in your cock hole too just for good measure. Yes, I think so. This is the ultimate form of pain.